ActionCFO get started!
You may have a profitable business, but how are you doing on the other three bottom lines? 

Were you aware that profitability is just one of four important bottom lines for a business?  There are four bottom lines that a business owner and CEO must fully understand and monitor:

  • Return on Invested Capital
  • Net Profit
  • Operating Cash Flow
  • Profit Per Employee

Why four bottom lines?  Each of these measures a distinct aspect of the business.  Every metric has inherent limitations and weaknesses, and these four are no exception.   Considering these four metrics as a complete package, however, provides a complete view of “bottom line performance” with which to evaluate the health of the business.

To learn more, download "Managing the Four Bottom Lines" (free download to the right.)
CFO Discovery

Engage an ActionCFO Advisor to lead a CFO Discovery for your business and see an immediate increase in your financial visibility and control. 

In addition to a thorough financial review of your business, the advisor will implement the powerful Cash Flow Forecaster Tool and the ActionCFO Smart Board.

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Begin the Process Now
Get started with the Financial Visibility and Control System today. It's easy.

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Here are some terrific resources for your consideration.

Before You Hire a CFO
Read this book for insights and lessons to help you make the right decisions for your business.
